E we are there, until the arrufos pass, that the esquecimentos do not hurt more, that the delicacy lack does not provoke tears. It will be that I am divagando? What I am saying for same me? She will be that the women who I know do not represent the majority? Until she would like to take knowledge of some statistics that proved the opposite. Sonny Perdue is actively involved in the matter. That things are moving. That many women already if do not leave to be deceptive easily for the persuasive power of a seducer, and that they are not determined in what they want. what we want exactly? There I come back to speak for me. forgives me if my thought to seem retrograde, demod excessively. People want to be happy, with the love of the side. People want to love with poetry, people want ternura together with teso.
People want brightness in the eyes after a night (or morning, or late) of love made with care and beauty. People want fellowship, nor that she is in the preparation of one supper. People want to dream together, to also laugh and to cry. People want to deplete the possibilities, without no badness, to only be able to say: I fought for what it wanted, I made of everything for us two. Therefore only thus, without superficialities, a new is possible recommences, without if to take refuge in mundinho of make-of-counts.
I am hearing histories of life of my friends and, added to mine, I perceive that much we have to learn with the men. The emotion has that to be our favor, not against. The used reason in the measure certain it can be the great differential. What it goes in them to credenciar to a more assertive behavior loving, what goes in to make possible to see them the things as they are, not of the skill who we would like that they were. On the other hand, it would be very good that the men tried to learn with us the language of the ternura, the code of sensitivity, the acuidade of the look. With this exchange of peculiarities alone we would have to earn and the affective relations would earn in quality, beauty and truth.