Interest in financial markets regular and clear. It's interesting work, and how to express themselves, and financial independence. The benefits are many and obvious. You just have to choose the way to achieve this goal. And on this the way you awaits many challenges, and sometimes very dangerous turns of fate.
What to do? On whom to rely in such a situation and avoid mistakes? And the answer is actually very simple – you can rely on common sense. Just common sense will help to pass on the right path and avoid mistakes. In our lives we are faced with a huge number of theories, assumptions, and very often they are quite interesting, but totally useless in practical terms. A practice can be considered the sole criterion of truth and real value. Only the ability to achieve the real goal, to get specific and expected result, and confirms the value of the knowledge gained. A few words about myths. One of the myths about states that for successful work in financial markets need to know the ta (Technical Analysis) and fa (fundamental analysis). And the better you will own the ta and fa, the more you will and of course earn more efficiently manage capital.
This is just a myth, offered in a beautiful, like a fairy tale and nothing more. ta and fa more hampered than helped in the decision and, accordingly, is hampered trader to obtain a stable result. I would say more, yet nobody has been able to ensure profitability on the basis of ta and fa.