Francia Arendt

The author standes out that the situation of the dictator personage was sufficiently similar to regimes totalitarian of century XX, in the Europe or ditatoriais Americas, as Nazism and the Stalinismo.A philosopher German politics Hannah Arendt (1990) describes that for architecture of the Totalitarianism, ' ' masses, ideology oficial' ' , and the leader with being able inefveis pillars for the construction of this new form of sovereignty would be them politics, based in the use of the terror and the constant fear. It has moments where ' ' Yo El Supremo' ' it in such a way finds symmetries with the autocratic ideals of the main totalitarian dictatorships of century XX of left as of right. Explicit Arendt that the Totalitarian State, was only possible with the fruition of the war, a factor that is discarded for the narrator, for the construction of the absolute in power government of the literary Francia. However, this faced threats constants of the Spanish Empire, and counting internally on opponents in its governmental confusion. Such aspect was inconceivable to the eyes of Hannah Arendt, therefore it took as control point the nazista or stalinista totalitarianism with its massiva ideological propaganda and the consumption of the total power of the leader. She has, however, a point in common between Arendt and Roa Bastos: the conscience of that it was the manipulation of the reality that was forged according to will of the leader who determined the course of the events.

This that is evident in a ticket of the romance that elucidates as the things, in usually, they would be accomodated in the personal will of the dictator: ' ' I I decide am it. I can decide the things. To forge the facts, to invent the events. It could prevent wars, invasions, lootings, devastao in one analyzes space, using to advantage for in such a way the rules of Gaston Bachelard, that in ' ' each workmanship, monumento' ' (1980) it would have to represent the mark of the incommensurable power of the Supreme one, demonstrating that it placed its efforts and devotion in material planning as in such a way ideological of a feeling of conscience of molded national classroom in the pride of an independent nation, based in its immense majority in the paper of the individualism of the leader, who was awarded as in service of ' ' To be able Supremo' ' which proper it is subordinate, placing in an inferiority platform, being it a slave who eagerly makes of its efforts an instrument of governana enfadado in the sublime fulfilment of the rules that ' ' Supremo' ' they impose to it specifying that proper ' ' eu' ' he is a slave of the Supreme one, as he is described for the narrator.