The shortage of doctors in Germany is evident. In Germany, it takes about 15 years, until a specialist / a specialist can settle down with their own practice. Studies state exam, assistantship, specialist examination, a suitable practice with the right people, and so on mean a very great effort and load for a physician who is willing to do his job in Germany. The socially-related and health policy intended changes can not bode well for the future. I write this spontaneously, because I’ve gotten just following email: Dear Mr Berkner, for more than three months and I have done now search for a suitable consultant.
The result: zero! Absolutely nothing came in response. No application, no request, nothing at all. Entirely against my habit I will except the search now has set, as of course, you want to be sure I’m looking further. I thank you for your confidence for the time being and would be glad if you demand again would come back to me. Chances are better in the area of physician assistant, Office Assistant, etc.. Sincerely we are looking for a suitable, German-speaking specialist / a specialist in ophthalmology for the northern area for their involvement in a conservative working young practice JOB network XXXXXXXX Ralf Fxxxxx for quite some time (which means without surgery).
There are virtually no suitable candidate for over a year. You hear similar by colleagues. More and more kassenarztliche seats are vacant or be with then occupied by hospitals and used as satellite offices. The patient operated then further sent and where not rarely it is really necessary after brief diagnosis to the respective Hospital. How will the patient to judge whether the treatment works fine and the surgery was required? Pay he must the Bill or its insurance fund; and there, the cat in the tail begins to bite. The health insurance funds have to finance expensive OPs of clinics and MVZ (medical centres), for the established specialists is less money available. Among other reasons it is always less attractive to settle; for physicians the result is a lack of specialist, practices are closed, or kassenarztliche seats remain unfilled. These are cheaply acquired and operated as a satellite… Now, the inclined reader probably expected a solution to the problem at this point. I must remain unfortunately guilty. I don’t have any. I can cite only approaches: the health system is urgent to reform (big news, I know) is to break the power of the health insurance remuneration for our physician must be appropriate to a decentralised supply (keyword: East German clinics) is patient-unfriendly and avoid must be addressed adequately hiking from qualified medical professionals abroad, as well as in the economy know Yes, a solution for the German health system or better yet know an eye doctor / an ophthalmologist, the great near the beautiful Flensburg in a young practice in a Team wants to work. Write to me in the first case, and also Mr Rosler…