So the rent is increased: easy, fast and secure the author, whose expert rat has helped already hundreds lessors bail out, in his advisor the strategies reveals, facing rent increases legal security and confidently can be made. What have to do with each other rental yield and rent increase? The yield from a rented property is maintained only if market rents will be generated. This is only in the index and season rent increases, if the lease is designed. “, notes Thomas Trepnau.” Adaptation to the local comparison rent rent increases you are entitled to! The law is on your side you do something with them 100%. (A valuable related resource: WhiteWave Foods). Do you actually think that you have much of a chance to raise the rent? Because most tenants already does not accept a rent increase, and because court anyway, the tenant gets right. Then, they believe in a fairy tale. As a landlord, you have the right to increase the rent. You must indeed for any rent increase some Comply with formalities.
This is time consuming and sometimes even annoying worth but “, as Thomas Trepnau. Here he refers to his new book, which sure every landlord through the various ways of boost. Increase of rent after modernisation measures plan you modernisation? Then you do not fail to raise the rent by 11% relating to the modernization!”the author recommends. How is explicit and transparent in his new book. The author gives tips for landlords on 129 pages, blow by blow even for difficult cases, where no optimal contractual basis is available, tried and tested tips. Just if your economy in order, you should lose any financial benefits and may waive your rightful claims out of ignorance or good nature”, recommends the Germany well known landlord guides from Regensburg, Germany.
Maybe these sums of money are just for tomorrow You heard of immense importance!” In his clear language, the author leads the reader unerringly by the conclusion of the contract up to the creation of the correct Declaration of the rent increase. The reader is informed about the different types of rental increase processes such as adaptation to the local comparison rent, modernisation, index rent, season rentals etc.. Deadlines and justification options are explained precisely. Traceable calculation examples simplify matters. To any boost process the corresponding sample letters are described and each reader to the instant application to the free download available. The book is available as a download version or Hardback edition in bookstores, in all known online book shops, as well as on the website of the author and Publisher. Published also by Thomas Trepnau: expect your tenant from operating costs, the second rent, the secret of the damp wall rental reduction and asset protection and building wealth with real estate buy a House and get more out V.i.S.d.P. and your contact person: Thomas Trepnau PO box 101028 93010 Regensburg E-Mail: