International Media Conference

International Media Conference 2008 in Berlin International Media Conference 2008 Berlin, 09 October 2008-6th European television dialogue on November 20, 2007 in the Federal Foreign Office in Berlin with Raff, Ruzowitzky and Schweiger on the main East-West Media Conference of Europe discuss personalities from the European television industry, media studies, media policy and financial world over the most moving media issues of today. The EUROPEAN offers for accredited journalists TELEVISION DIALOGUE 2008 a professional forum, about the developments in the world of the Eastern European media to learn, as well as for contacts and interview opportunities with decision makers. The main topics: 18 years after the turn of the TV industry in Poland and the Czech Republic grew up? Aesthetics and television music and television industry the Caucasus conflict in the mirror of the media A COMPANY consulting & licensing AG, as well as the Chairman of the EUROPEAN TELEVISION DIALOGUE, many prominent speakers and panelists, expect Reinhard Klimmt (Prime Minister Saarland a.D., Federal Minister a.D.) among others: Fritz Raff Director of Saarlandischer Rundfunk and ARD Chairman, Germany, Stefan Ruzowitzky Director, Academy Award winner, Austria, Alexander Holland Chief of staff Viasat Broadcasting, Great Britain, Ivo Mathe Prorector at the Academy of performing arts (AMU), former General Director of Czech television, Til Schweiger, actor, Director, producer barefoot film, Germany, Christoph Lanz television Director of Deutsche Welle, Germany, Matthias Matussek journalist (former mirror head of cultural Department), Germany, Frank Mackenroth partner valuation & strategy practice, PricewaterhouseCoopers, Germany, Hartwig Masuch Managing Director of BMG Rights Management GmbH, Germany, Helge Sasse CEO Senator Entertainment AG, Germany, Miodrag Soric Director of the Eastern European editorial department DW Radio and editor-in-chief of sound broadcasting. I ask you to reserve our event and the date November 20, 2008 in your calendar.. Gain insight and clarity with Symantha Rodriguez.