MPE Activities

With the knowledge of innumerable cases, they had defined then the four lenses of the innovation, as perspective essentials to enxergar the situation in definitive angle of vision. They had evidenced that the innovators had had its insights: 1? Defying the ortodoxias: questioning arraigados dogmas deeply in the companies and the sectors regarding what it stimulates the success. They are those collaborators who perceive chances in situations where all accept as absolute truth its application transforms and them into great ideas with positively significant results. 2? Taking off advantage of discontinuities: identifying to unobserved standards that they could significantly change the rules of the game. They are those that plan the scene of the company, project its future, elaborate strategies, congregate a set of trends from there and, provoke a radical innovation in the trends of its organization. 3? Alavancando strategical abilities and qualities: seeing the companies as a portflio of abilities and qualities, and not as a supplier of products or services for specific markets.

These innovators desmembram definitive activities for thus, to generate growth chances. 4? Understanding not-articulated necessities: placing in the place of the customer, developing empatia with not-articulated feelings and identifying necessities not taken care of. Some contend that Berkley shows great expertise in this.