The reaction of numbness in frogs when they were coming, so for example, is a good defense mechanism, because the snake will not guess about the presence of frogs, while she will not make sharp movements. If this happens, visual reflexes allow the snake to quickly deal with it. David A. Wagner has compatible beliefs. Only tree snakes that wrap around the branches and grab birds and insects fly, have good binocular vision Well I saw a rattlesnake on the head there are three senses, helping to find prey. The eyes see fine day, while the language of 'try' the environment. And in the darkness shall come into force authorities, which receive heat.
They are located in pits behind the nose and eyes. Wood pretend branches viper (Atheris) Central Africa live exclusively in trees. They painted the color of the leaves or bark, and when resting, keep the body elevated at an acute angle, "portraying" a dry branch or green vine. These snakes prey on frogs, lizards and birds, which are also arboreal. Anaconda can give birth to more than 40 pups! The female anaconda in captivity in Switzerland, gave birth to 40 cubs.
Six small snakes, died almost immediately, the rest length of 70 inches and weighing 250 grams, feel good. Such cases are extremely rare in Europe. Rattlesnakes are capable of high life Wood rattlesnakes (Crotalus horridus), lead varied social life and may even form family groups. Females constitute breeding grounds, being pregnant, caring for offspring, and prefer to communicate with the sisters relations with unrelated females. Snakes of one brood closer communicate with each other than snakes from different litters, which means that they can identify this relationship. In nature, rattlesnakes exhibit other behaviors that indicate they may form family groups – for example, group protection and the protection of mothers young. Jump to half the length of the Emerald tree boa inhabits the forests of South America. Prehensile tail enables it to mean living in the trees confidence to move and throw his body in hunt for flying birds, at least half its length. The extraordinary vitality of the Snake – extremely tenacious creatures. In 1846, the British Museum received two instance desert snakes with no signs of life. Snakes stuck to the stand and put in the hall as exhibits. In March 1850 the museum officials suspect that one of the serpent is still alive. It was removed from the stand and placed in warm water. The snake began to move, and then eat. She lived two more years, then fell into a stupor and died. Sinking in the sand Sand EFA (Echis carinataus), a beautiful little snake no more than 60 cm in length, from the deserts of Central Asia moves on loose sand dunes side special move – curled up "plate", which increases the area of her body. And if she has to hide from enemies, so quickly buried in the sand, it seems – it is drowning in it. Similarly, the behavior Avicenna viper of North Africa. In addition. She knows how to "sizzle" side of the body scales, when a third of each other. This sound like a rattle on the tail tarahteniya have rattlesnakes in advance warns of snake presence.