Salvador Wrote

In 1669 it goes to Rome where it starts to be confessor of the exiled queen of the Sucia' ': Cristina. It wrote: ' ' Sermes' ' (200), ' ' Cartas' ' , ' ' History of futuro' ' , ' ' Hopes of Portugal' '. We still had the orators Foot. Eusbio de Matos and Pe. Antonio de S. 7.12.HISTORIOGRAFIA: The Brazilian historiografia starts to have sensible from the Baroque one.

What much favored this field they had been the academies. The historical systematization has its beginning, however everything still is very imprisoned to the Quinhentismo. The people starts to value what he belongs to it. They appear the nativista feeling. Proper literature Quinhentista and Barroca, has much of history, more than what proper literature. HISTORIANS: 1.Frei Vicente of Salvador (Bahia 1564-1640) Belonged the order of San Francisco. It studied in Lisbon.

It wrote: ' ' History of the Brasil' ' , ' ' History of the safekeeping of the Brasil' '. It says in them of whom he saw and he heard at that time. It seems to have already a critical judgment, but its work does not differ very from the others. It writes in form of legends, crendices, anecdotes, facts. It presents a pleasant style, with introduction of popular expressions. 2.Sebastio of the Pita Rock (Bahia 1660 the 1738) Studied in Coimbra. He was a rich man and of folgada life. It wrote: ' ' History of America Portuguesa' '. It gave a general vision of Brazil up to 1724. It presents a gongrico style. In its workmanship everything seems to be recited. She was a patriot, valuing the things of Brazil. He was poet and it wrote some workmanships, but without much literary value.