With the use of new technologies of information in some areas of the society? between them the education – appears a model of different education of the habitual one from a virtual media (not actual), that at a first moment professor would come to characterize the traditional standard (? pupil – classroom), but that currently already he disputes the space and he awakes valorativas quarrels between the styles. The EAD (long-distance Education) is plus an element that goes to be operated by the educator and that it brings for the educational environment component positives and negatives. This model was incentive and widened by the federal government with intention to increase the number of pupils in superior education and to provide to the access the students of regions that do not possess university with physical structure. The EAD brings obtains qualities as, the flexibilizao of schedules, economy of transport, possibility of a continued formation, availability of material, and promotion of the organizacional development. On the other hand, it establishes some difficulties as for example the precarizao of an integral evaluation, the question of the practical one (laboratory), only virtual interaction, and the inconvenience of the no-regionalizao of the content. What if avizinha, is the growth of this proportionate type of tool for the value accessible of its courses and for the increase of the access the Internet in the layers lowest. This mechanism must be improved, since, in some criteria it already is being approached to the actual one with requirements of TCC, laboratoriais periods of training and activities. From these requirements it is possible to excite that evidently any that are the new features and peculiarities of the long-distance model, some elements of the actual standard need to be incorporated. Inside of a logic experiencial, the mission of the educator is to give the tools so that the social being constructs its truth on the life, envolto in a propitious atmosphere for the exchange of sensations and representations, ingredients that if disclose necessarily from the presence, of the contact, in the classroom, the seminaries, lectures, and even though in colloquies disinterested in convivncia spaces. The educator, in these terms, transits as a perpetual apprentice exhaling vivacity and getting infuriated themselves systematically ahead of the facts, responsible and respectfully, producing its history based on the task to divide with the too much social citizens its acquired knowledge. Of certain form, if we together want the construction of the citizenship with the promotion technique of the citizen, need to always detach the inherent device most important and to the human being, the social relation, promoted through the integration of the individuals, mainly, in the institucional spaces of education.