North Americans

The human being exerts an extreme pressure in the environment that cause increases of temperatures and severe climatic conditions. Already it occupied about 70% of the planet producing foods, remaining little of new borders very, beyond the Amaznia, of African savannahs, the Asian forests and trundas of the polar region north. In U.S.A., Europe, Australia,…

So Paulo State University

The repetitive crises in function of the phenomenon precipitation rain that we have attended in Brazil are, in fact, resulted of the combined meteorological 0 variable to the morfodinmicas conditions and of occupation that if finds that area, that hillside, but it has only generated bigger disasters and until the maledita caststrofe (by the way,…


The depletion of a water-bearing one it can also take to the loss agricultural or industrial deprodutividade. Protection of Underground Waters the developed world comes giving to more attention to the protection erecuperao of the water-bearing ones. The legislation is implanted and in execution well equipped governmental poragncias. The collection of data and the programs…

The Materials

– The selective collection of the garbage is basic for the separation of the garbage. – The played garbage outside polui the environment. – Many people survive of the garbage that is played outside. 4 – THEORETICAL RECITAL the recycling is the term generally used to assign the reaproveitamento of benefited materials as substance cousin…

Basic Sanitation

With regard to the formularization of the public politics of basic sanitation, the bearer of the Serbian must adopt parameters for the guarantee of the essential attendance to the public health, also how much to the per capita minimum volume of water for public supplying, observed relative the national norms to the potabilidade of the…

Golden Eagles

From childhood, we know that the eagles – large birds. Even very large. In the myths, legends, science fiction novels and stories, they seem so huge that they can easily carry a person on the back. Even in modern stories, like Tolkien's "Lord of the Rings", eagles exceed the size of the person. But it…