Portugese Travel

Saying after that Severino it was rank in a strategical position inside of the balloon and after that confused he was therefore its translator its parents would not segueria travel. After that the balloon to the few was going up. First contact with the Balloon of American researchers. It wise person if did not speak…

Brazilian Good

I am sad and sorry for being of tied hands, without being able to proclaim to the four cantos of the Country as to decide the question. A flock of scholars, with the full head of philosophy, behind a table with water of good quality, crystal cup, upholstered revolving chair, conditional, hourly air flexible and…

Portuguese Language

The National Curricular Parameters are gifts in the Brazilian educational politics have 10 years approximately. In this trajectory, much was argued, much was criticized and little placed in practical the actions that it presents, due to a series of known and/or unknown factors. In this work we will go to approach the amplitude of the…