Telephone Conference

It is all the more important, nothing was lost by the results. But how to draw on the best all results, opinions and thought-provoking? Previous methods based either on expensive equipment or the handwritten record – but with elaura selects is now a copywriting with in the Conference a. On Wednesday morning at the muster…

The Client

Then, through appropriate questions, the client is asked to describe the ideal situation from his point of view. This coaching process can be deepened through the use of appropriate scale questions (also according to de Shazer). Here the client estimates the effects of change on a scale from 0 to 10 and then is motivated…

Brown Seniors

Make all transactions you make all talk of sales targets and transactions which fall away or are increasing. What is the largest and most lucrative, only growing target group: that of seniors? Is it self-evident that these seniors are customers for us. Or do we have even negative feelings on the issue of the elderly?…

Leading Translation Agency Is Expanding In Germany

Lingo24 translation company opened the latest headquarters in Nuremberg Lingo24, one of the world’s strongest growing translation agencies, opened the latest headquarters in Nuremberg, Middle Franconia. This is a major step forward for the global company that is already represented in locations in the United States, United Kingdom, Romania, Panama and the Philippines. So, Lingo24…