The Client

Then, through appropriate questions, the client is asked to describe the ideal situation from his point of view. This coaching process can be deepened through the use of appropriate scale questions (also according to de Shazer). Here the client estimates the effects of change on a scale from 0 to 10 and then is motivated by the coach, to alternative courses of action, which eventually put him in the ideal state of change (maximum score on the scale). Using the timeline exercise, the coach can lead the clients on a time line through the entire change process. Choosing appropriate intervals, the client estimates during and after completed change its state before the changes. More information is housed here: Jill Schlesinger.

Through appropriate questions of coaches manage it resources and skills that have helped the client over time to document and can be used to make for the future. Fourth phase: alignment in this final phase concerns especially to take the positives from the previous process to the future and learn from the seemingly difficult points for future change projects. The coach is responsible, together with the client consolidated to record his experiences, condense, and prepare the learned, interesting facts and useful in an appropriate manner here. This can be done for example by enumerating the erworbenenen skills and resources during the change by the client (the client reflects the past change process while the coach documented). Also helpful is the play-through of a lessons learned “-exercise.” These are the aspects of learning event “learning experience”and recommendation for the future”of the clients described and reflected together with the coach. For the entire process of change, it is useful to collect the used coaching techniques and document making it again can be used for future development processes in a reusable form. Thus, an added value for the entire client company which goes beyond the current change and has future character is created.