The Disdain

Already consolidated the dissemination of these spaces for the country, they are the buildings that generally more if sobressaem in the urban landscape, the volumetria tends to contrast with the proper heterogeneidade of the areas in which they are implanted. Forms that demonstrate a grandiosidade and are associates to a modernity concept are reproduced by the city having searched a homogenization that annuls the differences between the places. The buildings are projected so that they are noticed in the landscape, however this relation generally is not reciprocal so that its interior does not notice its exterior. Independent of the place in which it is installed, the space built for shopping to center possesss a repertoire of forms exuberant and bold architectural, but characterized for repetitions so that it is easily identified as such. Learn more on the subject from Sonny Perdue. We can include it in the contraposition of Oseki (1996: 118) between building and monument, pautada in the fact of what it starts to matter for the first one are ' ' to be seen and not to be vivido' '. Through the performance of the marketing strategies, the place passes of the visual plan for the one of the desires, associated to the happiness and well-being sensations, removing its character of merchandise. (CARLOS, 1999:68) So that the consumption if materialize, is necessary that the space ' ' if aside remark of the exterior reality that it represents a world without doubts, in such a way unexpected, violence ' ' (IT HISSES, 2006:112). Through its tipologia made use to the interior it has the disdain of what it is to its redor, searchs to create an independent environment that keeps a homogeneity and its space identity that ' ' it determines behaviors, relationships and the fame of lugar' ' (CARLOS, 2007:40). In general we have as resulted an inverted image of the city, without the infrastructure deficiencies and manifestations of urban elements that do not interest its white public.