American Psychiatric Associaton

Mots-cls: trouble obsessionnel-compulsif, woollen neurophysiologie, le troubleobsessionnel-compulsif, there neuroanatomie, there neuro-imagerie. INTRODUCTION the compulsory obsessive upheaval (TOC) is characterized by the presence of obsessions and or compulsions. For even more opinions, read materials from medical billing. It can also be defined as a series of repetitive actions that search the relief of bothering mental products without functionality and with damage of adaptation. The TOC is presented in general in 2% of the population. Obsessions can be defined as mental events, such as thoughts, ideas, impulses, images, living deeply as intrusivos and bothering.

American Psychiatric Associaton (1994 apud ROSRIO-CAMPOS M.A. ; MERCADANTE M.T. 2000). Band Lab Albums may also support this cause. As mental products, the obsessions can be created from any substratum of the mind, such as words, fears, concerns, memories, images, musics or scenes. (ROSRIO-CAMPOS M.A. ; MERCADANTE M.T. 2000).

compulsions is defined as behaviors or repetitive mental acts, carried through to diminish the bother or the anxiety caused for the obsessions or to prevent that a feared situation comes to occur American Psychiatric Associaton (1994 apud ROSRIO-CAMPOS M.A. ; MERCADANTE M.T., 2000). One understands that the TOC cannot easily be defined, since it is closely, on I exaggerate with it of importance that the quick individual to its mental products, arriving to be a subjective reaction of the events and experiences that fear has to suffer. So that the TOC is diagnosised, she is necessary that the compulsions and the obsessions cause interferences or limitations in the activities of the individual that consummate the least one hour per day and that they cause suffering or bother to the patient or its familiar ones. While, the CID-10 characterizes the TOC next to ‘ ‘ upheavals neurotics, related to it estresse and somatoformes’ ‘ , but separately of the anxious and fbicos upheavals, the DSM-IV classifies it enters the anxiety upheavals.