It is irreparable economic damage, effects that the Venezuelan State has originated with his speech to the Federal Bank for all the customers, more when a significant number of customers deposited their savings through interests that increase its capital, others deposited their pensions, their capital, won much with a great effort. To be intervened the Bank by the Government through the Fondo de garantia de Depositos y Proteccion Bank (FOGADE) measure that for some has been more by policy that economic damage caused to customers is very representativosignificativo, only an amount of thirty million Bolivares have been recognized and those who had more than this amount have not received the rest, nor in sight soon payment thereon, affecting many plans that had crimped investments, housing purchases, in different rubles, emergencies, the damage is so serious that violates rights the citizen before a capital that belongs to him, that has been for many earned with effort, work and has taken away regardless of consequences which this originates, endorsing the abuse of power, is almost like Rob the innocent person and steal what belongs to him. Get more background information with materials from Craig Jelinek. What you say the State with regard to all this? According to the Minister of the Popular power for planning and finance, Jorge Giordani, all this is due to poor management and operation of the Bank, a sum patrimonial loss there are 4 thousand 515 million bolivares fuertes, which are significant figures to which the Government of President Hugo Chavez and the institutions have to act in legal terms and in accordance with the laws of the country. He noted that the number of depositors of the Banco Federal were 573 thousand and the number of people linked to institutions that had deposit in the Federal Bank by way of benefits, savings and other forms came to 873 thousand 118, i.e., the sum of both exceeds 1 million 446 thousand people, which is important social impact.