More recently, specifically April 30, 2011, in the heart of Spain, there is not in Madrid and Zaragoza in the II Festival of Russian talent in Spain. And dedicated to the celebration was the 50th anniversary of space flight by Yuri Gagarin. Of course, the theme of SPACE sounded like a holiday decoration, and in the Russian repertoire of talents. But the main thing was not so important – that the Russian culture, even for just one day, was able to unite artists from all over Spain. And it's not just about Russian compatriots living in Spain, no less active were the Spanish artists who diligently with the funny accent pulled Russian songs. And it was great. Huge crowded room, the Russian costumes, dance and music. Inexpressible atmosphere of celebration.
Professionals of the highest class of amateur groups succeeded and vice versa, and classic rooms interspersed with folklore. This magical effect lasted nearly five hours, but the audience, even those who do not have enough space and were forced to stand in the aisles, were in no hurry to leave. During a short break, the guests of the Festival had the opportunity to talk with the artists, representatives of Russian organizations in Spain, as well as view an exhibition of photographs dedicated to space. And after the break, the concert continued with even greater fervor, because it was assigned to the second part of the modern Russian pop music. It is also worth mentioning that in addition to the Festival of dance and music groups also took part and the Union of Russian Writers in Spain. Science fiction, Yuri Ivanovich with his wife Larissa have pleased his audience musical composition "Summoning Violin" and singing "Do not calm the soul." As a support group of SRPI attended a science fiction writer Oleg Shovkunenko.
Final concert ended with the song "Closing the circle," which performed by all participants of the Festival. Then, according to tradition was followed by presentation of diplomas and memorable prizes. And the audience was only clapping vigorously, thanks for the great concert artists, for this a real holiday Russian culture in Spain. Finally I will add that this great feast was held with the support of the Russian Embassy in Spain and the Mayor of Zaragoza.