Industrial Affairs Competition

ILO, recommendation 195 on human resources development and training: the term competence includes knowledge, skills and technical expertise that are applied and dominate in a specific context. Competencia laboral (RES-21-1999 MTSS, Cuba): set of theoretical knowledge and skills, abilities and skills that are applied by the worker in the performance of their occupation or charge in correspondence with the beginning of proven suitability and requirements technical, production and services, as well as quality, required for the proper development of its functions. ILO (2000): competition refers to the effective capacity to successfully carry out a work activity fully identified. Desaulniers (2001): a competence is the ability to solve a problem in a given situation, what it means to say that the extent of that process is fundamentally based on results. SENA, Colombia (2002): it is defined as the set of skills cognitive, psychological and motor, and affective partner capabilities that enable the person to perform in an appropriate manner, an activity, a paper, a function, using the knowledge, attitudes and values that has.

Artidiello and Conrad (2005) expression of human behavior, quality inherent in man, sometimes found under the name of competencies and treated indifferently as such skills, abilities, attitudes and other forms of human performance. Fernandez Gonzalez (2006) Intelligent technical knowledge, which implies the exercise of discernment, the intelligent action in informal situations that require creativity and the search for alternatives before making decisions. A complex combination of tasks and attributes (knowledge, attitudes, values, skills) to play in certain situations. It takes into account the context and culture of the workplace. Allows you to integrate ethics and values as competent performance elements the notion of competition, as it is used in relation to the world of work, is situated halfway between knowledge and specific skills; competition is inseparable from the action, but at the same time requires knowledge. An old definition of the Larousse dictionary of 1930 said: in the commercial and Industrial Affairs, competition is the set of skills, qualities, capabilities, and skills that allow you to discuss, consult and decide on what concerns the working.