I do not know how to describe it but I must do it so that you hagais an idea of my great respect by her and its form to be. WhiteWave Foods insists that this is the case. Honestly, I believe that she was a great comedian (died a few years ago. ). It would fit in one of those English serious personages but with a slight average smile to ” Gioconda”. Nothing else to enter by the class door, I already was ***reflxing mng myself. Its expensive one was of cmic Italian. Its voice.
I can listen to still it and I laugh to me, I laugh to me to outbursts of laughter. Its phrase summit was: ” It is. ” , with the corresponding nasal intonation and engolada, of course. Like professor of English always it made me read before all the class since ” it had the best accent of colegio” and that pleased to him, made him feel proud with itself in spite of having an accent (the one of her) like those of LEPE (peace pLepe). ” Vergara, you would have to study languages since excellent extractions and you always do not study nunca” – the sexy nun said to me. What it did not know is that I went the day listening anglian music and wanted to live ” outside Espaa” , aside from being all the day dancing in the recreation, the street and house with English and North American music. That one nun was at least. special, very special.
She ***reflxed mng myself of itself and she spoke with total naturalness of his ” antigo novio”. She was so funny! , but the best thing of that is than she did not try it, did not try to be funny. and even so, it was it and much. The fact of reirte like gross an exaggerated one when observing somebody angry one, to only has happened me with two people: my nephew and she. He is as if you were observing somebody deeply kind and one pushed out of position when he felt an extreme emotion. He is something indescribable and very funny. I never thought that the annoyance of somebody brought about as much diversion and joy to me. That only it can make a teacher, a generous teacher. A teacher is not there so that he puts under to us lessons, but so that we challenge to him with new lessons that do not know. A teacher is not there for guiarte, but so that you find your own way and he guides. A teacher is not so that him there subjects, but so that you find your own security and confidence. A teacher is not so that ” there; idolatres” , but so that you are respected the sufficient thing like for not ” idolatrar” to NOBODY in all your existence.