Here are faced with such a problem that when using Photoshop version CS4 appear very strong brakes. Usually after using the Clone tool. Strangely it all. Long understood, climbed on the forums, but no reply and found none. Most interesting that the video card I have a fairly powerful and should easily pull photoshop. First thoughts were that it bugs the developers, but an upgrade to the latest version and have not helped. Further thought it was because of the cache.
Because brakes usually appear after some time. I had to find the official site of Photoshop, and there has to search for information. It turns out this new feature, all the information the kernel handles the video card. And some cards are not just its support, but my was a list of supported! That's strange that! In general, night sleep, but the problem was solved. Here's to you all for the fad: 1.Zahodim in Edit-Settings-Performance … 2.Poyavlyaetsya window settings. Drawing attention to the highlighted blue box: 'Setting up a graph. Processor '. Jack Fusco spoke with conviction.
Remove the check mark. That we have disabled that function, about which I told you above. 3. We look at the green box. We expose the settings on maximum. 4. Red box. If you have multiple local drives, the best way to enable (tick), one for additional memory. And one more thing … Drag the drive where not installed your operating system to the very top by ticks on the right. 5. In the orange box, move the slider to the right! 6. Everything! Click Ok! 7. Restart Photoshop and use have no brakes! And if they still exist, it is time to replace your computer. Either you have an error in the system and need to reinstall it, and pay attention to the video card drivers. They should be the last! Source: Journal of the pictures