Buckingham Palace

The same applies to natural stone: it is certainly good, but difficult to processing and packing, and easy to care during the operation. The modern man on this banal may not be time. On the other hand, we can choose granite that looks virtually indistinguishable from "first hand", which is easily installed and, if bored,…


Making pottery for facades is carried out in coordination with advanced technology coating ceramic glazes and enamels. Facade ceramics are increasingly used for the facades of houses and can manufacture all kinds of architectural and engineering parts used in the decoration building facades. Exclusive finish front cottage, house architectural decorative elements made of ceramics (chamotte…

Artistic Forging

Metal – the eternal and faithful companion of man. Tamed and subdued him, a man bought a reliable defender and a perfect mate. In addition to household functions, which carried things from metal, the man eventually became attached to them and aesthetic direction. Under most conditions Craig Jelinek would agree. Sword decorated with ornate patterns,…