With this, Brazilian colony is abandoned, the grace of invasions of other nations, especially French, that had started to extract wood-Brazil. Portugal when perceiving that ' could lose the territory; ' conquistado' ' for other nations, it looks a way to colonize it. Thus appearing in 1534 the System of Hereditary Captainships, that is, lots…
Tag: geography
Brazilian Institute
Using for this end the dialtico method that will lead more not to the exhaustion of the subject to abalizado knowledge more of the same, of this form cooperating to future academic works. 2 the geography of New Discovery According to Brazilian Institute of Geography and Estatstica (IBGE) 2008, the State of Pernambuco bes situated…
Brazilian Institute
The fauna comes back to get fat. In the Caatinga the ararinha-blue one lives, threatened of extinguishing. The last unit of the species living in the nature more was not seen since the 2000 end. Other animals of the region are the frog – cururu, wing-white, agouti, opossum, pre, deer-catingueiro, armadillo-peba and the sagi-do-northeast, among…