That very tasteless the kidney beans, that very small the swimming pool, that very narrow the baths, that lack him painting to front of house, that very neglected garden, that in a moment finished the rum, that by tacaos does not put television by cable in all the quarters, that if is to you account of which not even they had antisunburn in the bath for the visits, that the poor owner never has had good taste for the pictures that puts in the wall. And meanwhile one is the one that it must pay the pay and parafiscal of the butler, accounts of services public, administration, taxes, dismissed profit of the value of the property, maintenance of the swimming pool. Nobody supports with one. Nobody offers quota to help him him in these fixed costs nor when they borrow the property until by fifteen days. And if to somebody it is happened to request quota to pay to him between all, to they include it to the owner like an equal, without the expenses previously related mitigate the erogacin and they have a little consideration to him in view of which it must assume without aid of anybody. And it goes and it commits the audacity of not lending it to the companion of office or the nephew of the wife with its friendly of the district or of university. You are a stingy one, egoistic a self-seeking one and trepador who no longer worthy to share the goods with which they have less opportunities, than no longer turn around to watch to that they grew with you.
They almost retire the greeting to him and they escupen ironies and satires to him each that occurs the opportunity. And if the quick one is worse: baths taquiados with paper and hygienic towels, in spite of the warning in which it is requested they throw that them to the wastebasket. Old and moldy food in the kitchen.