PROJECT was capital in the context of a nationwide survey of the independent financial experts-internal market (k-mi) assessed by financial service providers with the overall score of 1.61. Bamberg, 4 June 2012: Thus the issuer made a historical record. Particularly positively assessed the strict concept of equity capital, which is a unique feature of the Franks on the market for closed-end real estate development funds. In the history of k-mi partnership mirror PROJECT has received the best rating of free financial intermediaries, ever achieved in a survey. For the first time in a partnership level the respective average with a score of ‘one’ before the decimal point stood in all four categories, confirmed in capital-market internally. “” “The intermediary assessed PROJECT in over 30 points in the four categories range of products” (average 1.48), customer service/aftercare “(average 1.78), marketing” (average 1.73) and distribution “(average 1.62). In addition, there were six ways for qualitative judgments and comments.
In “the most important category range of products” achieved PROJECT top reviews in the design (1.29), closely followed by the flow of information to the products with 1,31. That the Fund initially typically as a blind pool are placed, be filled gradually with real estate projects, underlines, operates what outstanding good information policy PROJECT from the perspective of the agents here, judge capital-market internally. Financial intermediaries value equity capital concept represented often in the financial press, strict equity capital principle of the franc prohibited any intake of foreign capital to the additional increase of in yield by making use of the so-called leverage effect. PROJECT investors are always secured by a lastenfreies land of real estate in which the PROJECT Fund series invests. So it is not surprising that the concept of security of the Fund with 1.38 outstanding section, so capital-market internally.
Indicator for financial service providers and initiator of k mi partnership mirror ensures complete Informant protection, whereby financial services confidential and straightforward to an initiator may provide their individual opinion. “We very pleased the excellent result, because our sales partners and customers and their long-term partnership are sacred to us. Glad that this is felt daily for our partners, as Wolfgang Dippold, managing partner of the PROJECT Fund group.