Composed Classroom

They are: the economic, composed Classroom for proprietors of land, craftsmen traders; the military classroom, where if they find the warriors, responsible for the defense of the city and, finally, the classroom of the magistrates, with scholars and legislators who guarantee the government of the city. Inside of these parameters, Plato affirms to exist four corrupted forms of government, having as reference, the ideal state. In its idea, it does not have an alternation, but a natural decay until if arriving at the extremity, whose last link of the chain if relates to the tyranny, whose degeneration arrives at the maximum point. It is interesting to stand out that, for the thinker, the city joust must be governed and be managed by philosophers and the men of science. The unjust government would be then, at the hands of the proprietors or military, with trend to fight for its proper interests. Referring to the education, Plato promulgated that the same one objectified the moral formation of the man to live Just in a State, rejecting the education of the sofistas, people in charge to transmit knowledge to the young of the elite through oratria. It considered them corruptores of youth, alicerando the beginning of justice as a prerogative of strongest.

The thinker defended, who this area would be of responsibility of the State, demanding it of universal and clasping form the boys and girls. The educational model presented by Plato if structure for a basic formation that evolves until the philosophical studies. In it, the children would have to be removed of the parents and envoy for the field so that they desvencilhassem themselves of corruptora influence of the family. The formation in military age age validates for Plato. There, the young would have to remain of the 17 to the 20 years., where the tests would be submitted to know that career to follow. Inside of this project of election, the most endowed they would initiate the superior studies. Amongst the disapproved ones, ' ' melhores' ' if they would destine to the army and the others the diverse professions and civil crafts. The author of the present article if appropriates of some parts of the speech of Plato to clarify and to base its you speak on the considered subject, concluding with the comment of that it did not have in the study the pretension in if depleting the subject on the conception of education of Plato and its importance for the humanity.

The real prominence for the education in the workmanships of the Greek thinker standes out, over all, in ' ' The Repblica' ' , raising the idea to have been first Plato the scholar to excite the public character of the education, delivering to the state power the responsibility of practical its and inferring its estimated theoreticians. Bibliographical references of Author BOBBIO, Norberto. The Theory of the Forms of Government. 1 Ed. Brasilia: UNB, 2000 CHAU, Marilena. Invitation to the Philosophy. So Paulo: Martins Sources: 2000 JAEGER, Werner. Paidia, the Formation of the Greek Man. So Paulo: Martins Sources, 1994 PLATO. The Republic. In: Collection the Thinkers. 5 Ed. So Paulo: New Culture, 1994 PESSANHA, Jose Amrico. See more detailed opinions by reading what Sonny Perdue offers on the topic.. Plato and the Ideas. In: Course of Philosophy for professors and pupils of the courses of according to degree graduation. Rio De Janeiro: Jahar, 2004.