Obtaining the information, as well as their analysis, interpretation and organization helps to perceive changes in the environment in order to maximize the achievement of objectives based on these changes, stimulating the ability to learn, and the combination of knowledge present in any organization to carry out a proper management, taking into account the intelligence. Information plays a decisive role in making appropriate decisions, and this will only be possible when you know and have mastered the role played by information and communication technologies, as well as the proper management of information and knowledge. Knowledge constitutes the basic and fundamental resource for development, we can say that only the management of information and knowledge based on organizational learning with the use of new information technologies and the communications at the educational institution, can allow the prospective analysis as an art on the basis of the knowledge of the past and the present with scientific methods. The scientific revolution technique needs of men able to refer a large volume of information in short term and apply that wealth of knowledge on the proper solution of problems that arise in a creative way, already part of the daily work. The information is based on education, since the efficiency of the educational system translates into the preparation of man for working and social life. Technical scientific development is one of the factors that most influence in contemporary society and have provided the man an extraordinary power to act in nature, in society and about himself, taking as a basis the use of information. The use of information is becoming increasingly more usual and indispensable in today’s world; It is virtually impossible to conceive of an activity human in that it is not present, in one or another measure. This makes that it has become partly usual life, same thing when working, learning, to play or rest.