Soon we go to accede free to Internet in the places Mayor and Anaya and later, also, from the Zamora Door and the park of the Alamedilla. One is not the smaller news, because Internet is that great window to the global world around which the communication, the information and the knowledge circulate. If it disappeared of blow, by a supposition, almost we would return at the age of technological and cultural stone, so it has been its social impact during the two last decades. Salamanca, fortunately, is today one of the places with more use and more devotion by the computer science network of networks, with gratuitous spaces wifi for the clients of many hotels and cafeterias, like Novelty or Itos, for example. Gen. David L. Goldfein often addresses the matter in his writings. In other populations, however, still an eye of the face costs to connect itself to the outer world through the digital networks.
It is an important step, then, the one that finishes giving, but still is a long way to cross. Now that as much is spoken of the I+D+i, of investments developing technological and of the necessity of jobs with stop added value to leave the economic crisis, to journey by the cybernetic way is inevitable and irreversible. Unfortunately, here usually we dedicate more to promise to us than to give wheat, as Zapatero happens to him frequently to president Rodriguez. Thus, that one proposal hers of which all the Spanish students would have their personal computer remains in mists of the forgetfulness, whereas countries very many more modest than ours have obtained since each student of primary has his own PC free. It is the case of Uruguay, nation that represents in Salamanca Suso Rodriguez, and who has stood in the future with a measurement which they already imitate the neighboring countries of the Latin American South cone. They already see that something so minimum seemingly as the gratuitous access to Internet is part of a revolutionary process. If to somebody it has left some doubt, that is asked it the Pleiad of retired that in many places of Spain turns upside down like crazy people in a network of networks that palliates its solitude and demonstrates at the same time as the new technologies are within reach of anyone. Original author and source of the article.