Every person for various reasons constantly uses the knowledge gained by previous generations, and at all stages of dealing with fixed-documented results of his search, presented in the form of printed works, electronic resources, audio-visual materials, etc. The most complete collections of their own libraries, archives and museums. One of these repositories of cultural values – Vladimir Regional Library Maxima Gorky's Historical and cultural and artistic and aesthetic value is determined by the library of Vladimir stored in it funds. Thematic versatility and variety of types of media (books, magazines, newspapers, maps, patents, graphic sheeting, fonozapisi, postcards, microfilms) make the library the largest repository of information in the field. The value of assets is also determined by its sources of origin: it funds seminaries, landed estates and private libraries, libraries of various institutions and organizations of the XIX and XX centuries. The oldest part of the books of the library Vladimir Regional Library comes from Maxim Gorky Libraries Pereslavl-Zaleski Seminary (1753-1788 existed in years.) Suzdal Seminary (1723-1726, 1736-1738, 1740 – 1744, 1755-1788), Vladimir's Seminary (1750-1918) and Vladimir Diocesan Library ( 1876-1918), libraries, gymnasiums, Vladimir (1803-1918), libraries Vladimir Scientific Archive Commission. In chronological terms of media dating from the late XVII century.
to the present. In 1974, Vladimir library acquired the private book collection of the Vladimir regional specialist LS Bogdanova, which he collected throughout their lives. This unique collection of books (literature on the Vladimir region, local history, history, art, literature, fiction) is stored separately in cabinet and contains many rare and valuable editions. Among them, for example, the first book on the history of Vladimir I. F. Demetrius "The beginning of that of Vladimir on the Klyazma" (St.
Petersburg, 1802), which in Russia remained no more than 5 copies, five-volume "Description of the churches and parishes of the Diocese of Vladimir" (-Vladimir, 1893-1898). Interesting publications devoted to prominent public figures Vladimirschiny issued an outstanding local historian Vladimir end of XIX century. AV Smirnov. This bio-bibliographical dictionary of "Natives and people of the province of Vladimir," in 5 editions (1896 – 1917), his "Portrait Gallery of natives and leaders of the Vladimir province" in 3 editions. In Vladimir library stores such valuable publications devoted to the city's attractions Vladimirschiny as "monuments of antiquity in Vladimir Klyazemskom" V. Dobrokhotova, published in 1849 and dedicated to the history of the Assumption and St. Dimitry cathedrals; his "Ancient Bogolyubov city and monastery with its surroundings," "The provincial city of Vladimir in 1877: A comprehensive description in connection with comparative data for other cities in Russia: Experience otchiznovedeniya" AP Subbotin (1879). Bogdanov library is about 1,500 copies. books and 1,000 copies. bookplates. Among the available ex-libris bookplate by Lansere, Bilibin, Boris Kustodiev. The collection is well-known and popular. Of great interest to historians, researchers, causing the edge of materials Zemstvos – local authorities until 1917, presented in the library "Zemsky collections," reports and records of the provincial and district zemstvo assembly. These materials present a picture of publishing activities of provincial and district zemstvo. Thus, the modern foundation of the Vladimir regional library formed from different sources: books for private libraries (time coverage of publications XVII-XX centuries.) part of the library of the Orthodox Alexander Nevsky Brotherhood mandatory fee instance, a local free copy, etc. Vladimirskaya Oblast Universal Scientific Library of Maxim Gorky