World Conference

One of the problems facing society today, is the issue of inequality, since both socially and institutionally will have segregated that less have, in terms economic, political, social, cultural and who have a disability. Internationally there are bodies promoting equity, where Mexico has taken part, however, much to be done, since our country remains a nation where prevailing inequality and segregation. If you would like to know more then you should visit Danone. In schools, even if there is a flexible curriculum, traditionalist practices remain in place and today’s society requires individuals who are able to face and solve their own challenges. So in this work, he has tried to make an analysis about equality, equity, diversity and how it works society and the institution, mainly the education in this respect a currently controversial topic in political discourse related to education, have been included topics such as fairness, respect to the diversity, a school for all, equality of genders, etc. Equity is a social connotation value, also understood as equal. It is of finds her pursuit of social justice, where it is secured to all persons equal and dignified living conditions. The importance of equity takes special importance from the constant discrimination that different groups of people have received throughout history. Example of this is the discrimination against women in the workplace, people from other cultures and who have a disability, among others. International agreements promoted by the Organization of the United Nations as the World Conference on education for all held in Jomtien, Thailand, has sought the satisfaction of the basic needs of learning, where our country has recognized its responsibility and expressed in plans and programs of study, thus, universalizing access to basic education with equityHowever for which such agreements are compliments is needed from my point of view – a system of Government that really take on these commitments. It is said that Mexico is a country formed by diverse cultures that interrelate and linked and require having, on equal terms, the rights that implies a democracy based on freedom and human dignity, which recognizes and respects the pluralism, horizontal and inclusive intercultural relations that generate enrichment; but to achieve this, it is necessary to recognize the differences and inequalities based on this, should design strategies for the entire population and enjoy opportunities to participate, decide and act.