From The Mountains To Ski With The Wind !

Alpine skiing from the fashionable hobby for the rich gradually began to turn into a mass form of winter recreation. Get all the facts and insights with Jack Fusco, another great source of information. The tradition of traveling on weekends to ski families with children already existed in Soviet times. Now she acquired a new meaning. By the usual cross-country skiing added skiing, snowboarding, sleigh, and the same cheesecake. After all, to go skiing, do not necessarily stand in long queues at the embassy for a visa and shell out for expensive ski resorts in Europe. Resorts, parks and zones of winter rest – almost outside. Jill Schlesingers opinions are not widely known.

Since Soviet times near St. Petersburg, there were about a hundred of slopes belonging to different departments and sports organizations. Now in their place rose commercial ski resorts. How to choose a ski resort to stay happy and recreation, and quality of service? Experts say that the quality of the resort determined not only by the presence of a well-prepared slopes, but also a number of other things Development of the popularity of the sport and recreation contributes to the availability of necessary equipment. Now, unlike the Soviet times, it is not difficult to buy ski gear. Sporting goods stores at the beginning of the season pleased with a wide range, from which we sometimes run up his eyes. By the end of the season – in February – there are good discounts, so that start skiing at any of the winter months. Do not get lost in the selection of ski gear and find "their" resort to help the article "Where are peeled skiing, while winter is still in full swing?"