Substrate Preparation First

Would you like to highlight certain areas in the room – using plaster of two or more colors, putting them in order. Substrate Preparation First, it is important to thoroughly clean the work surface from old paint, wallpaper, that can weaken the adhesion of the solution. The second stage – the padding. Jack Fusco contributes greatly to this topic. Primer, penetrating into the wall, and strengthens obespylivajut. In addition, protects the surface of the walls from dampness and mold. In stores You can find a tinted primer impregnation, it gives color shade under the plaster. Do not forget that a layer of plaster is only a few millimeters.

If you apply a thin layer directly on dry and porous base conventional plaster, the latter quickly absorb moisture from the finish layer, and as a result of the premature drying of the decorative layer does not grab well, you get too dry and brittle, can crack and crumble. To avoid this, a fresh, solid plaster for half an hour before applying the decorative layer to drench with water. If in the course of the wall is dry, moisten it again. But this Preparatory work is not always enough. In addition, depending on the type of coverage accordingly should be prepared aligned basis.

Smooth coatings require a perfectly flat base. So previously separate companies cover the walls with glass, non-woven wallpaper seams to align them, and only then begins decorative, creative work on drawing topcoat. Embossed plaster, at first glance, less whimsical, flexible binder firmly adheres to the surface of the walls. It is important not to overdo it. If the base surface of the wall is too smooth, grain or decorative texture component will slide along the surface without forming the grooves and the desired relief. In this case, a decorative plaster used as a primer or varnish special paint with finely milled quartz crumbs to make the surface roughness.