The temporary first-minister of the Lybian, Mahmoud Jibril, said to the BBC of London that wanted that the former-leader Muammar Khadafi had not been died. It affirmed it BBC: ' ' Sincerely, in a personal level, I would like that it was vivo' '. Before it had said ' ' I want to know why it made this with the people lbio' ' , during the HardTalk program, if relating to the 42 years that Khadafi passed in the power. ' ' I wanted to be the promoter in its julgamento.' ' Mahmoud Jibril also affirmed Net BBC to be in favor of a complete inquiry on the circumstances of the death of Khadafi colonel, in the thursday, as it defends the ONU, since that the Islamic funerary traditions is respected. The declarations had come before the new leaders of the Lybian decreed the formal release of the country in the city of Benghazi, the first one to defeat the forces of Khadafi, in this sunday, day 23 of October. The elections must be marked to happen until June of 2012. ' ' We wait very for this moment.
It is the hour of the start of a new Lbia' ' , it announced premier of the Advice of Transistion, Mahmoud Jibril. In Saturday, day 22 of October, the commander of the forces that they had captured Khadafi assumed the BBC public the responsibility for the death of the Lybian former-leader Muammar Khadafi. In exclusive interview to the BBC, Omran el Oweib said that Khadafi colonel was dragged for is of the draining pipe where it was found, gave about ten steps and fell in the soil to the being attacked for a group of furious combatants. El Oweib affirmed despite it is impossible to say who gave the fatal shot in the Lybian former-leader. The commander affirmed despite she tried to save the life of Khadafi, but that it died in the ambulance the way of the hospital, in the outskirts of Sirte.