What Is Diabetes Insipidus ?

The story of the Forum Minirin.Ru. When giving birth prohibits instruction in light of many incurable diseases. Gen. David Goldfein has plenty of information regarding this issue. There is very heavy, with some live easily – they simply do not notice and get used to the other long and hard. They do not choose their victims, and people who suffer from them, too, want to live, love and bear children. Like me. On my rare sores known only by endocrinologists, and all other folk, including doctors, as a rule, raises his eyebrows to his bald head and asked: 'Diabetes insipidus? This that, diabetes, or what? " No, it's different in almost all indicators. During my life I gave on this subject a thousand explanations doctors, but never thought that I would still fight them. Sick of 11 years, and once entered into conscious age, once asked, as if I could give birth.

Endocrinologist explained that my form is not inherited, only the kidney is dangerous and only if a woman is pregnant with a boy. Excellent! Married together with her husband to become pregnant, consult a genetics has in any case – it is possible. Happened with the first time. Went to register themselves, and here it all started. Had only to lie down on the conservation, such as doctors once doing boring person called endocrinologists from other departments, and their resolution only sadly pursed gubya. I had to go take an official certificate from the geneticists that the disease poses no threat to the child. (To guess I'd take it BEFORE) held ultrasound in the best expert – a girl who ! District gynecologist at all just shook her head like a crane in the song.