In terms of conceptual features of lighting the French Revolution as a whole, then, according to E. Hobsbawm, before the Second World War, "" almost a merger of the republican, Jacobin, socialist and communist approach to the coverage of the French Revolution. " It was natural in the Popular Front, and later – the Resistance,…
Tag: Research
Dark Rift
No any special forces in the galactic plane or the galactic center. The only important forces affecting the Earth, are the gravity of the Sun and the Moon. With respect to the influence of the galactic plane, there is nothing special about the location of Earth in this plane. The last time Earth was in…
Stanford University
Scientists believe that it is not far off the time when the Arctic basin will be completely freed of ice in the summer season. The Arctic as a stability factor for the climate of the planet is also unique catalyst. The reduction of Arctic sea ice leads to an additional global warming and the greenhouse…